How Knowledgeable are You Regarding Sexual Terms?

I feel that these types of tests are a snapshot of how each person sees themselves. The outcome is in no way definite, or defining one with an unchangeable label. All human beings can change their behavior, their way of thinking and feeling. The psychology of the tests is based on that premise.

So how knowledgeable are you about sexual terms? Do you consider yourself to be a more conservative woman who still has some taboos and doubts about what is right or wrong? Or are you an open-minded, creative, innovative person who does not have any prejudice concerning sex, provided that it is good for those involved?

You may find yourself in-between one extreme and another, seeing sex with moderation, neither totally one way, or in the other.

Answer the questions on this test, being as honest as you can and check only the option that applies most to your case at the current time. Then check out the result.