The Splendid Socionics Test

This test should allow you to find out your Socionics type.

Socionics is a personality typology system with 16 distinct kinds of people. Its theoretical model attempts to explain how each individual perceives and interacts with their environment, and describes the nature of interaction between individuals of each of the types.

For each question, you should consider how you have acted for the best part of your life, and how you are most of the time.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to skip questions. You may wish to copy your answers so you can reflect on them later.

The test involves 15 questions and typically takes about 15 minutes.


Questions 1 to 15 utilize descriptions from; Questions 1 to 4 partly utilize Gulenko + Meged & Ovcharov subtype descriptions.

The famous people cited in the results pages generally come from community typings although the choices for each of the ESE, SEI, and LIE profiles probably would not have been made without the influence of the blog of the World Socionics Society.